

Siamo lieti di annunciarvi che per l'anno 2021-2022 arrivano a Grosseto la Scuola per l'Infanzia Bilingue e la English Primary School!

Per scoprire tutte le novità e il nostro metodo didattico, visita il nostro sito! (ENG)



dai 30 mesi ai 5 anni



dai 6 agli 10 anni


Dear Parents,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our schools, where I am confident your children will make everlasting memories which will remain forever in their hearts and minds. Scuole Bilingue will officially open its doors to the children and families of Grosseto in September 2021. We are enthusiastic to welcome you and your children into our school community. Our school offers small and intimate classes where professional teachers can cater to each child, offering creative spaces and tools to promote their growth and learning.

It is scientifically proven that the ability to speak multiple languages promotes more creativity and efficiency in children; the best time to introduce your child to a second language is in the first five years of life. For this reason, we have created a bilingual education project, so that English becomes a fundamental and natural part of your child’s development.

As Principal and Grade 1 teacher, it is my privilege to teach your children invaluable skills necessary for them to build a bright future. Of these, the knowledge of the English language, in all its facets, is essential as well as synonymous with the acquisition of a new culture and expansion of your child’s perspective and mindset. English is the global language and your child’s fluency will undoubtedly provide them with social and professional advantages in the future.

Throughout the years, your children will experience a wide array of emotions and situations ranging from positive to negative, from arduous to triumphant achievements- both individually and collectively as a group. Along their journey they will be accompanied by their teachers, who will serve as their guides and mentors, acting as role models in your children’s development, nurturers of their innate curiosity, and architects of inquisitive questions to stimulate their learning and not simply impart knowledge.

Our goal is to educate your children in an affectionate, supportive and comprehensive environment, enabling them to grow into independent doer and thinkers. Our teachers will lead your children on an exploration of their world, their own individual uniqueness, and the beautiful discovery of diversity among their companions and surroundings. Our ideology is to stimulate every child into becoming pro-active in his/her own learning, while helping him/her to cultivate creativity in all directions.

The aptitudes of each child are stimulated to complement and fortify his/her individual skills set, allowing each child to develop and valorize his/her intellectual and creative capacities through confrontation and mutual respect.

You, as parents, will also take part in your child’s extraordinary life journey as you watch him/her mature in all aspects of his/her development and share in his/her joys and fears.


Erin Leigh Hardy

[ENG] Una società sana premia il merito, punisce i mascalzoni e investe nell'istruzione.

Un luogo di socializzazione e apprendimento anche in lingua inglese che fornisce ai bambini le competenze linguistiche attraverso percorsi strutturati e continui, regalando un enorme vantaggio per il loro futuro scolastico e professionale.

A questo punto aspettiamo tutti i genitori interessati a fornire percorsi educativi bilingue efficaci ed innovative ai nostri Open Day, piccoli eventi pensati per presentare alle famiglie le nostre scuole.

Nelle nostre scuole, l'uso della divisa scolastica è perfettamente in linea con la nostra Mission di offrire un'educazione che mette al centro l'individuo e lo sviluppo del suo carattere.

La divisa riduce le distrazioni legate al vestire, permettendo agli studenti di concentrarsi maggiormente su ciò che conta davvero: l'apprendimento, la crescita personale e il rispetto reciproco. Inoltre, scegliamo materiali resistenti e durevoli, evitando così la necessità di acquistare molti capi e riducendo l'impatto ambientale.

Questo approccio contribuisce a creare un ambiente educativo sereno, inclusivo e orientato ai valori che guidano la nostra comunità scolastica.

Open day Scuole Bilingue grosseto