Our didactic project puts the child in first place, with an experienced teacher to guide the proposed exercises. Our goal is to offer a happy and well-balanced environment capable of caring for the psycho-physical development of the child, in addition to his/her social abilities.
The method adopted by our highly trained and professional teaching staff guarantees this affective stability while at school and encourages the children to express their individuality.
Our Continuity project is developed over two monthly meetings, one of which is completely dedicated to the pre-primary school class. The children in their last year of preschool take their “exercise book” (especially realized for this purpose) and complete it with the children and tutor of the first primary school class. During these meetings, the preschool students will move toward more formal exercises, preparing them for reading, writing and counting.
The students’ creative, linguistic and social skills will be the focus of the second meeting. After the reading of a shared-experience story, the children have to re-tell, sequence, and draw a scene from the story. All of these activities reinforce students’ linguistic, temporal-spatial and logic skills as well as encouraging them to read.
Varied experiences like role-play and creative expressive-linguistic games are designed to enhance the children’s vocabulary, communication and interpretation. Storytelling is a significant learning tool involving the teacher dressing up and dramatizing the story using gestures and tone of voice.
We also believe that the classroom plays an important role in developing the child’s potential. The classroom is organized with great care and specific areas are dedicated to various types of activities.
Five-year-old children carry out pre-primary school activities.
Although it may just seem like fun and games, activities based on puzzles, building blocks, and sorting stimulate the child’s perception of quantity, shape, number and logic.
Children of five years of age also carry out activities in numbers.
Manual activities allow the child to express his/her creativity and artistic capabilities while also providing the opportunity to handle different materials, learn new vocabulary and generate ideas and emotions.