


I welcome you to the four-year International high school (LIQ), a private secular school. The school is in Lucca (Tuscany) just outside the city walls and a stone’s throw from the city centre and the railway station.

Our school’s main goal is to “accompany” our students towards the obtaining of a high school diploma in four years, through an innovative and high quality educational path. This objective is possible thanks to a more international educational perspective where the didactic method and the practicality of the subjects taught assure our students a major ability and awareness of themselves and of their surrounding world.

We believe that motivation, curiosity, organized knowledge and linguistic proficiency represent the characteristics which will support our students in their professional and educational journey, helping them to understand and achieve their own goals.

To better back this important project, we  have employed teachers who share the vision of  an innovative style of teaching, appropriate for a continuously changing world besides the need for a new type of schooling. We recommend you to follow our initiatives on our web site and on Facebook and take part in our open days to understand us better.

 Best Regards to all of you,

Dott.ssa Ségolène Bruno